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Showing posts from September, 2018

Walmart Canada Ups Order for Tesla Semi Trucks Transitioning to Cleaner Fleet

Photo Source: Walmart Canada/Tesla Operating 410 stores and directly employing 85,000, Walmart’s presence in Canada went from virtually nothing to being one of the country’s largest, most-influential retail businesses over the course of nearly 25 years. While there are varying positive and negative views of Walmart Canada by the population in general, there is no deputing in the fact that the company is currently the go-to physical destination for Canadians. Understandably, moving goods from coast to coast requires a great deal of energy. Even if dealing with e-commerce, large quantities of items need to flow often through the use of transport trucks. Walmart Canada maintains a massive logistical network that includes 8.75 millions square feet of total distribution space. Despite importance for moving goods across Canada, the retailer is now focused in reducing the amount of energy consumed and emitted for daily distribution. In a bold 10-year plan, Walmart Canada will convert t...

First-Ever Porsche Sports Car Built Will Visit Toronto This Weekend

Photo Credit: Porsche AG For the limited time when North American climate permits, exotic and classic pieces of motoring are given a chance for be seen as well as heard. Sadly, we’re entering into the final days of summer of 2018. It’s been another year where the bright, warm roadways have doled out some savoury automotive eye-candy that succeeds in dazzling our sights. Before shorter days and the regrettably inevitable trek towards cooler Canadian temperatures will ultimately draw those machines into hibernation or migration, a few remaining treats remain. Appearing at Vancouver’s Luxury & Supercar Weekend between September 7th and 9th, Porsche’s crown jewel 356 No.1 Roadster will continue its brief summer layover in Canada as it will arrive in Toronto this weekend. A vital component to German sports car maker’s 70th anniversary celebrations in 2018, the Porsche 356 No.1 Roadster is scheduled to appear on September 15th and 16th at the Toronto Harbourfront. The weekend in ...